Clearing more ground
The weather was amazingly warm for this time of year so only a t-shirt was needed at Wild Acres today. The main task was to clear the large expanse of vegetation alongside the main path down to the meadow.
This meant brush cutting quite low and then raking off. I tried to go as close to the hedge line as possible. There’s quite a bit of walk needed on the hedge maintenance over winter, including some laying, so its important to get the area clear for that work. And next season, some of this area will be given over to horticulture, and some will be an extension of the existing wild flower patch.
There was a large crowd there today, including three on a corporate volunteering day.
There was a lot of harvesting done. Enormous amounts of squash and courgettes were pulled from the Really Useful garden.

Chandra cooked the most amazing Sri Lankan food for lunch. There were six different pans of food, bursting with flavour. The highlight was the aubergine dish.
In the afternoon I went over to the library for the Dursley Code Club. There were six children there today who continue to create amazing code projects. There’s not been any new for a couple of weeks, so it’s good to see this group make great progress.