Old college buildings, church on left and yew tree on the right

Local Nature Partnership

Today it was the conference of the Gloucester Local Nature Partnership where partner organisations and interested individuals were invited to review the work and contribute to the 2024-27 strategy.

It was held at the Royal Agriculture college which is an excellent venue for these occasions.

The first part of the morning was a series of presentations on how the current strategy is progressing. Of particular interest was the section on social prescribing which is something that Wild Acres participates in.

Woman presenting a slide entitled "why social prescribing"
NHS benefits of social prescribing

We then broke into tables and came up with themes to focus on for the next period. There was a lot of interesting discussion, but the general area of public engagement was a recurring topic.

I made a few new contacts, particularly with Gloucestershire University and the velcro collective. You never know exactly where and how networks will prove to be useful, but I have no doubt that opportunities will arise over the next year.

I missed the afternoon session as I had to return after lunch to run the Dursley Code Club in the library. This was the scratch club, but two boys wanted to learn some python so a good opportunity to get them started on that.

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