Orchard with young trees and very long grass

Prepping for wassail

The annual Wassail at Wild Acres is in a couple of weeks. This is a fund raising event to dance and sing to the apple trees to help them with their growth. There were a number of jobs to tidy up around the site to get it looking it’s best for the visitors.

I focussed on the area of the meadow where the new trees are planted. I cut the long grass with a brush cutter and raked away the excess grass. The trees could then be mulched with rotted manure from the top.

Half way through, Vicky asked me to help move some metal. The scrap metal guy finally came to get rid of everything by the site entrance.

Curry, rice and greens with a glass of water
Delicious curry lunch

We also had a visit from The Velcro Collective. I met Louise ages ago at a networking event and thought Wild Acres would be an ideal venue for their nature and creativity events. So it was fabulous to show her around today and hopefully we can work together in the future.

In the afternoon, I headed to the library for the regular Dursley Code Club – the last before half term. We had 9 today so two boys shared a PC. I was really impressed with their creativity – they worked together on adding their own features to a Scratch game they already made I also introduced two others to creative python coding using AI to generate ideas. They loved this and their ambition was far greater than the ability of the AI to produce working code.

But, over their working lifetime, AI assisted coding is going to be a feature of their day to day toolkit (much as the spreadsheet is in ours today). So getting comfortable with using a machine to help you create is a key skill to learn. I think I will incorporate a similar exercise in future clubs.

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