Rolling hills with mature trees in hedgelines

Slad Balsam

A location in the Slad valley today with Stroud Valleys Project, where we continued a project to remove Himalayan Balsam from the top of the catchment for the valley.

A team had visited the site already to make a start and we continued the work. The site was steep sided and careful footing was needed to remove the balsam safely.

There was a small pond which was completely surrounded, but with teams working both sides, we managed to completely clear it.

A pond covered mostly in vegetation with a wooden fence in the background
Balsam cleared around the pond

About half of it was in flower, and most was pretty tall. However, the bad weather overnight had flattened a lot of it so it made pulling a bit tricker as sheaves of stalks lay horizontal.

But soon after lunch we had completed the site so we left a bit earlier.

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