A river with a small bridge in the distance hidden by vegetation

Sampling Sunday

Met with Graham in the morning for our monthly river fly check on the Frome site. We had heard of a pollution event upstream last week, so there was a bit of bracing required perhaps for lower results.

It was pretty nice weather and the water levels were nice and low. I kicked the sample while Graham timed, then he did the stone washing. We ended up with a pretty decent net with not too much gravel and silt.

It turned out to be a pretty species rich sample. The highlight were the Flat bodied stone clingers, as well as the Blue Winged olives.

I think in previous months we might have misidentified the stone clinger as a blue wing. But there is a distinct difference which I feel I “have my eye in” for now.

Also a healthy number of cased caddis and olives so the overall score for the site was 8 which compares well to previous months.

From this evidence at least, it would appear that the pollution has not had an impact on this part of the river.

An octagonal dish with different river fly samples in each section
A variety of species identified

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