Freshly harvested vegetables in bowls on a stainless steel counter top

Harvesting fresh veg

The harvest continues at Wild Acres as the cropped areas are bulging with produce. The team worked on the potato patch today and pulled a wheelbarrow full of potato from area next to the path at the top. But there were also tomatoes, courgette and beans that were picked.

I worked on the brush cutter today, first of all clearing an area where a new store will be erected. However, it turned out that wasn’t really suitable because it’s too close to the gate.

As usual, I cleared a whole load of junk from the area before starting including old tyres. At least that corner is looking manageable, even if we aren’t using it.

Potato and vegetable stew with courgettes on a plate
Freshly harvested and cooked lunch

I then worked on a potential area for wildflower seed. It’s heavily over-run with young blackthorn at the moment, which is not good news. But it’s not been so in previous years, so hopefully cutting it back will stunt the growth for next year. Ideally, this area which is rich in cowslips in early season, will be a good receptor site for seed this year.

In the afternoon I headed over to the library to run the Dursley Code Club. The usual crew again today, except we seem to have a lot of forgotten passwords at the moment. Still, lots of good progress made so I updated some parents in an email afterwards how their child is getting on.

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