Nature in stroud
It was the Stroud Festival of Nature up in Stratford Park, and I went along with the Wild Acres team to run a stall. It started at 11am, but Vicky picked me up early so we could get the stall set up.
It was a perfect place to tell people about the project. There was a constant flow of interested visitors to the stand, and quite a few who said they could come and visit us on a Tuesday.
I set up some jam jars, each with a wild flower cut from my garden. I wrote their names on cards and challenged people to match the names to the jars. This proved a popular activity and drew people to our stall.
As ever with these kind of events, it was a great place to network. I already knew a number of the other stall holders from other projects so it was great to catch up with them. But I also met a woodland craft group who do events at Ashen Plains Campsite who I also collaborate with. So maybe next time they are down, I can arrange for some guided walks of the area for their campers.
I also bumped into a couple of people I had previously met briefly on the Gloucestershire Data Day and the Dursley green drinks. All connections in this area are useful, as you never know where things might lead. So the next Stroud green drinks is in my calendar to hopefully strengthen these ties.