Hedging to the end
We had been given 80 extra trees to finish the hedge at Wild Acres that Stroud Valleys Project planted a couple of weeks ago. There were four species: hornbeam, wild apple, spindle and blackthorn. Unfortunately the canes and guards were not supplied at the same time, so we planted them anyway and we’ll do the guards in another session.
The ground was pretty rough as the old hedge line was only removed this year. The ground was soft, but there were a lot of stumps and roots to work around.
In general though, this should mean that new and old hedge will sprout together and produce something nice and thick.
Amy helped me with planting. I dug the holes and she put them in and heeled in until the gap was airtight.
We came across a bunch of buried barbed wire which we safely removed and I took down the tip later. Our famous metal pile at Wild Acres has gone now, and no-one is too keen to start a new one up again.

Solveig and Cherie prepared a delicious lunch again – a perfectly spiced curry and rice dish that rounded off the morning’s work.
In the afternoon, I held another Dursley Code Club in the library, which was attended again by a full house of 8. We tried some new techniques to engage the children in writing new code, which worked on the whole. This group have been coming pretty consistently for a couple of terms, so are pretty capable. So finding new ways for them to explore is becoming more of a challenge. We have some ideas for the summer term anyway.