A felled ash in a field with a totem pole

Cooking at Wild Acres

The forecast was miserable today at Wild Acres so there was a plan to make wreaths instead in the art studio. There are several plants with berries on in the lane by my house so I cut a few armfuls of material that could be used.

In the end, the weather wasn’t really so bad. We lit the wood burner in the studio and I decided to help cook the meal for everyone at lunchtime.

Usually there is no shortage of amazing chefs to cook, but today none were around. So for the first time in a couple of years, I cooked lunch.

An outdoor dining room with tables, a hammock and a field in the background
Mid morning sun streaming through

The basis was roasted butternut squash, so I went to the polytunnel to gather what I could for a stew. There were some kohl rabi, red cabbage, some green leaved kale type plants that I don’t remember the name of. There was also a swede but it turned out to be rotten when I cut through. In essence, this is seasonal eating – whatever is available in December gets thrown in the pot along with onions, spices and some tomato sauce we had prepped during the harvest earlier in the season. Brown rice was boiled to serve alongside.

It was simple food, served from the pot and enjoyed by all with the conversation. Some even had second helpings.

Rice, stew and butternut squash on a plate
How the lunch turned out

In the afternoon it was my second Dursley Code Club of the week. I met with Gerry who is volunteering to help alongside me. She had a great idea of getting them to produce a Christmas project instead of the usual exercises. That really spurred the creativity and there was good interaction between then as they figured out how to code their ideas.

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