Rafts and banners
We’ve been a bit delayed this year putting up the final banner on the Market House to advertise the Dursley Walking Festival. We finally got a slot which was free so I met with Richard this morning to help put it up.
Immediately after I went to carry out my regular check of the rafts on the river Cam.
There haven’t been many signs the last couple of times, but today there was a clear otter speint on one raft and possible water vole prints on another.
On the way back to the car, I heard a distinctive plop in one of the side ditches ... normally a classic water vole sign, followed by frantic paddling up the middle of the river. I stopped and waited for a few moments, but couldn’t see anything.
In the afternoon I held the first Monday session of Dursley Code Club. This is intended to be Python and Web Programming introduction for the older children. It got off to a good start, although the concepts are proving hard to master. Some of the children I had to revert back to Scratch as they are not ready for these languages yet.