Unexpected quarry survey
The original plan today was a straightforward seed restoration with Glorious Grasslands. We usually do these in September or early October, but April is also a possible window too.
The site today was one we had done previously and we were going to extend the bank further. However, there was a mix up with the land staff and the area we were targetting was not prepared. It is a man made bank, but there was no topsoil added yet, so wholly unsuitable for seeding.
So instead we took a walk up Leckhampton hill to a quarry and looked for calcareous grassland indicator species.
It’s also educational to go on a survey trip with Anna. Steep quarry banks usually harbour these species because they are unimproved habitats.
And it didn’t disappoint. Among the usual species, we also found mouse-ear hawkweed, horseshoe vetch and a hawkweed which couldn’t be readily identified without consulting a botany book.
In the evening we had the monthly Dursley Green Drinks at Kingshill House. About 15 attended which was a smaller number than usual, but still some new faces and good conversations taking place.